

Multi-structural - Novel studies_T2W7

Monday 12th June
I have read the book for 20 minutes and the story has changed. Do you remember when Mat was getting strangled from Puarata! Well, here is the next part of the story. Mat scrambled up and turned, watching the girl. “Pania”. She greeted him in a melody voice. Mat blinked and shook his head - The moko(Maori tattoo on chin) he’d thought he seen, had vanished from her chin. He thought he’d been seeing things. She stuck out her right hand, and for an instant, the moko had reappeared on her chin. He jerked away in a massive fright. Blood dripped from his face. She told him what to do! As she indicated on her own nose where she meant. He stopped bleeding. She told him “Come with me”. As she led Mat through alleyways until they caught up to the Parade. His house was only a few kilometers away from his right hand side. She led him through a break in the traffic to the palm trees on the median. Two boys throwing stones in the beach stopped and gazed at the girl as they walked pass them. Matt asked the girl if she knew that warrior guy! No response had replied. He asked another question saying “Have you seen this before?” Meaning the tiki bone! She stopped, reached out, but stopped short of touching the tiki bone. Then, her soft brown eyes grew sad. Although, this was the after story book!

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