

Te Tuhi Reflection: I am NZ

IALT: Reflect on my art work - “I am NZ”.

Have you ever heard of etching? 
Etching is basically carving or lifting something off its surface. 

Today at Te Tuhi art gallery, the Kia Manawanui syndicate took a place in learning about Aotearoa. We did this by, drawing about what we know relating to NZ. 

In the class "I AM NZ", we learned easy ways of how to etch. 

Here are some steps to guide you:
1. Paint Clear Film sheet. 
2. Draw over the dried paint - With Pencil
3. Etch drawings
4. Pick colour paper - (Background). 

Etching is something new to me, and is an artwork that I enjoy doing. Etching is a type of artwork that was the first challenging art piece that I have ever done. How? When you etch out your drawing, it could be hard sometimes - Especially when you have put detailed art designs in your artwork. 

I got the letter "N". Inside my "N" has the land of Aotearoa, with 4 stars to represent the NZ flag. 
The outside of my letter has a silver fern and a British sign. 
The british sign to also represent the flag and the silver fern to represent New Zealand's native bush. Next to the british sign, has a big star. That represents Matariki - Maori Stories.
Continuing on, my artwork also has a long white cloud to represent Aotearoa's english name.
Lastly, my design piece also has the name "EW". 
This goes with the letter "N". - To make New.. 
If you look closely, inside the silver fern has "Zealand". 

Altogether - it makes New Zealand. 

This is how my artwork is UNIQUE - I draw what I believe and know about NZ. And, I am creative of how I think and do about my art piece. 

Here is a photo of me and my design. 

Click this Flag to get to my screencastify - 🇳🇿

Ofa Lahi Atu! Kia Ora! Thank You. 


  1. Hello Constance,
    I think etching is really cool

  2. Hey Constance!
    I really like the way you were creative with this blog. You added questions to your explanation and you really thought about what you were trying to say. Thank you for adding a screencastify version explaining what your artwork means. Next time, could you try talking more about what happened at Te Tuhi in the screencastify just to help with the explaining! I love your art work, Keep it up!

    - Lydia

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  5. Hi There Constance,
    Looks like you have been working hard on your te tuhi reflection from yesterday.I really enjoyed it when you had written down some facts about what you had drawn in your letter which was a N.I also enjoyed it when you had made a screencastify with yourself walking about what your design explains.I think next time you could write down what you enjoyed and also put down some more images.
