Kia Ora and welcome back to my blog!.
Yesterday, the Kia Manawanui syndicate went to Music in the last block to record our TEAM chant from Camp.
Something that I enjoyed was when chanted in front of a recording microphone set, and that the whole class was involved in the recording session.
The challenging areas for me was when Miss Aireen kept on telling us to repeat the chant until it was perfecto, I started to lose my voice from shouting loud and I couldn't do the chant right, due to my voice.
But, something that I didn't enjoy was hearing myself over the speakers, as I helped lead the chant. Because I sounded so young and so little. It was even better, when I lost my voice, because I couldn't hear myself over the speakers.
Although, the whole session for music was great! Because, everybody participated including me, and everybody took the session seriously.
Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you enjoyed!
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