

Flag Designer

Kia Ora, Malo, Talofa and many more greetings to you! Tonight, right at this moment, I have been designing a NZ flag.. I will be giving myself 4 key questions and to answer them !

Get Ready: 3, 2 , 1 ...

1. What is the purpose of this Flag?
2. What is on the flag?
3. What does it represents? 
4. What inspired your design?
5. How can this effect the future? 

1. Purpose:
Maori culture forms characteristic part of New Zealand. The word Maori is mentioned to a member of a regional person that has been planted to the roots of New Zealand.  The main colours that represent Maori culture is; Black, White, Red in order.

 2. What is on the flag?
- Matariki
- Black, White, Red stripes. (Main Maori colours) . 

3. What is represents: 
Black: Spiritual Focus, Mystery and Deep thinking
White: Love, Intuition, Faith, Freedom, Peace
Red: Strength, High Energy, Passion, Creativity
Box- Star: Physical Healing, Physic ability, Love of Nature and Caring

4. What Inspired your design:
Maori Culture is my tangata whenua of New Zealand. Maori culture strives my soul to thrive on and above this world. I get confident when speaking my culture because, I am keeping my language alive. I don't want my language getting fainter and fainter every step forward. Present days, Maori Culture make up 14% of our population history. I designed this flag to keep Maori Culture alive.

5. How can this effect the future?
In the future, I hope for this flag to be around the world. This is because I would like to share the message to everyone on keeping Maori Culture alive. Not letting it go and get fainter every step we try to learn its language.
Believe in yourself.!

Sorry) I could not get the photo to come out.


  1. Oh no! Can you send the photo to me and I can upload it for you, Constance? Share your google drawing with me? I'd love to see the design because the thinking behind the design is so interesting! Keep up the great work! I can't wait to see more of your winter learning journey blogging.

  2. Hey Constance,

    Wow! These are some beautiful ideas behind your design, I'd also like to see your design if you can send it through to your teacher. I can tell you have out so much thought into the meaning behind the design and colours - well done!

    I am looking forward to reading more of your work!

    Nicky :)
