

Stop Anti-Bullying

IALT: Use my knowledge to help stop Anti-Bullying

Have you noticed how someone feels when getting bullied?
Has anyone ever been bullied? Or seen someone else bully another person?
Or have you once been a bully?

Wonder to yourself:
How does this affect the person?
Why am I doing this?
Is there anything or anyone to help me with this problem?
Can I change?

Why bullies, bully:

Believe this or not, 99% of the bullies in the world, bully because life for them is hard as well.
But 1% of them, bully to be the popular one at school, or to try and prove something to others.

But when you get bullied or bully someone else, it honestly makes them feel offended and

It makes them feel empty and like they don’t exist.


And these words can lead to suicidal thoughts,
drugs, drug dealing and also cutting themselves.


Getting Help:
If you need any help, or you may need to talk to someone.
You have your parents, family, friends and teachers.

But for me, I honestly recommend someone who you trust and someone who will make you smile,
during your conversation.

This is probably, your best friend.

Talk to someone who will understand what you are going through?
And may be someone who has experienced it as well.

Do not harm yourself and keep these emotions inside you. Let it out.
The difference between boys and girls being bullied:


50% of the boys deal with bullying from fighting.
20% of the boys commit suicide.
And 30% of the boys do drugs or even drug deal.


50% of the girls attend to cut themselves around their whole body.
And 50% of the girls attend to commit suicide.  

How it affects this person:

Bullying can affect someone, physically, mentally and also emotionally.

If you are being bullied or you see someone else being bullied, it makes them:
Feel anxious, lonely, insecure and can make them cry a lot.
Be unable to concentrate in class
Poor grades

These are one of the reasons, why we should prevent bullying.

Here is a poster i've created about bullying:
Check out the Pinkshirtday site at.. WWW.PINKSHIRTDAY.ORG.NZ

And donate $1 for the Mental health charity. 

Image result for pinkshirtday

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