

My Leadership Tasks- Lesson 1

IALT: Reflect on what I've learned from the leadership programme. 

During the Leadership programme, I've learned : What is a leader? and What makes a leader? . 

A leader is someone who is consistently doing the right thing. Even when no one is looking. You may also know this phrase as 'Integrity'. 

A leader is someone who constantly shows the school values, and is committed to follow any rules made. 

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I think what makes a good leader is someone who is Delegate. 

This means entrusting another person. Being able to give them a responsibility to do, without ensuring they won't be able to do the task right. 

An example I've seen relatinging to this quality is:
When a teacher chooses a student from the class to do a job for them, they are delegate in you, because they know you'll do the given task right and fast. 

Image result for delegate
A T.P.S leader is someone who demonstrates the school values consistently. The school values helps us to show strong leadership qualities like - Motivating others, Problem Solving and also being Trustworthy. 

To the T.P.S leaders, this means: 

Motivating others - Encouraging others to participate and contribute in any activities. 
Problem Solving  - Preventing problems before they happen. 
Trustworthy - Being someone who others can rely on. 

I've learned so much about what a leader is and what makes a good leader. 

The challenging part about the leadership programme was thinking of What a T.P.S leader is. 
Although, we did get through with it. Because all the student leaders contributed and participated and was also confident to share their opinions/ideas. 

This is the End of my leadership programme reflection! 
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Image result for thankyouImage result for have a nice day

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