

Camp Vision Shield - T.E.A.M

IALT: Create a shield that includes the camp vision.

In class today, 
the Kia Manawanui syndicate have been creating shields that includes our Camp Vision. 
Below is our Camp Vision:

Camp Vision. 
T- Together
E- Everyone
A- Achieves
M- More

In the first block, you'll see three buddies linking TOGETHER. To me, this represents INCLUDING others, and BEING APART OF SOMETHING. 

In the second block, it has a load of people connecting hands around Earth. To me, this represents EVERYONE. I chose to draw this symbol, because no matter who you are or what your doing. How old you may be, or young you may be, you are still included and linked with everyone else.

The third block, has never ending stairs. This represents, always trying your best, and giving everything you have to ACHIEVE or accomplish a task.

Finally, we have our last block. This represents, MORE. I chose this symbol because a plus sign obviously represents adding, more, and even heaps. And we have more goals coming towards us.

These are what each symbols in the Shield represent. And I hope'd you enjoyed!
Here is an example of my shield. 

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