

Describing Fractions of Amount.

Today, I have been completing a task, related to fractions.
In this task, we needed to write statements related to the block collections. 
For example: 
There are 30 blocks altogether. 
The fraction of the orange blocks would be 1 third. That means there are 10 orange blocks. I know this because, 20 divided by 3 is 10. 
There are 10 yellow blocks. Yellow makes up 1 third of the collection. 
There are 5 pink blocks. They make up 1 sixth of the collection. This is the same as the grey blocks. 30 divided by 5 is 30, so one sixth is 5 blocks. 

If you keep working towards your fraction, this means, you will seek more knowledge through times tables and divisions. And you'll be able to do maths equations instantly. 

Here is my presentation: 

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