I am a Year 8 student at Tamaki Primary School in Auckland, NZ. I am in the Kia Manawanui syndicate and my teachers are Ms. Komor and Ms. Aireen.
Today I did a presentation about quotes.The quote that we are working towards is Every-body is a genius , Winning doesn't matter & wrong is wrong.
Thinboard - 2015
WALT:Solve the problem in of numbers to make us figure out what the answer is.
Today I did a think board drawing.
The number I am working towards is 6 - 5.
As I solved the problem , I counted in days to Friday and I also used my times table to help me out.
Today I did a think board drawing.
The number I am working towards is 6 - 5.
As I solved the problem , I counted in days to Friday and I also used my times table to help me out.
Poster - Peaceful play
Today me and my buddies did a poster about Peaceful play...
The word that we did was Applaud.We choose this word because it had a standard word.
The word that we did was Applaud.We choose this word because it had a standard word.
Game Reflection - Multiplication Cash
Today room 9 invited room 8.Room 9 invited room 8 to their class because they wanted to teach us their new games that they invented.
My favourite game that they invented was Multiplication Cash.In Multiplication Cash they put a lot
of information into it and they put more information about how the game works.
My favourite game that they invented was Multiplication Cash.In Multiplication Cash they put a lot
of information into it and they put more information about how the game works.
Yertle the turtle - self facts
Today I was doing {Yertle the turtle - self facts}.
My favourite bit is when Mack burbs so Yertle the turtle falls off the stack.
My favourite character is Mack because at the end he becomes the King.
The pain bits in the story is when Mack has to stay down the bottom of the stack.
My favourite rhyming part is Stack , Mack and Heaven and Seven
My favourite bit is when Mack burbs so Yertle the turtle falls off the stack.
My favourite character is Mack because at the end he becomes the King.
The pain bits in the story is when Mack has to stay down the bottom of the stack.
My favourite rhyming part is Stack , Mack and Heaven and Seven
Number of the week
WALT: think about numbers in different ways.
Today I did the number of the week.The number I am working towards is 132.
In this slide I use different ways to answer the questions.
Target Number - 2015
Prior Knowledge - Netball
This is a presentation of the prior knowledge about Netball.In this time , Netball was made in 1895 played by womens.Netball is an opposite game to basketball.The man who invented it was James Naismith.
Bolt fastest man in the world
Bolt is a Jamaican man who is the fastest in the world.He runs 30 metres in 9.79 seconds.Bolt is one of the fastest man in the world.
Baby Jupiter Found - Current Events
Today me and my buddy did a current events to {Baby Jupiter Found}.This is article is about how Astronomers discover about how a new baby planet came into space.
Yertle The Turtle - Novel Study Task Sheet
Today me and my buddies did a Task sheet.The book that we did was Yertle the Turtle.In this book Yertle the Turtle was king.As Yertle fell of the stack , Mack down below with all the pain had burb because of all the pain he had.As now Mack is the king of ground , pound and Turtle.
Te Reo
Te Reo.
Kia ora toku ingoa Kane Teira Wepiha-reo.A ahau I roto I te ruma 8.
Ko I 9 tau.
A, no te tupu e ahau ki runga I te hiahia ki te waiho I te takuta.
Kia ora toku ingoa Kane Teira Wepiha-reo.A ahau I roto I te ruma 8.
Ko I 9 tau.
A, no te tupu e ahau ki runga I te hiahia ki te waiho I te takuta.
Problem Solving
The number that I am working towards is {4 x 29 }.
W8T3 2015.
Scott Sterling Debono's
Today me and my buddy is working towards Scott Sterling.We are working on him because of his sacrificing and how he risk his life for soccer.As he gets hit on the face and he gets in pain , he still plays until his team wins.
If I was Scott Sterling I would still sacrifice my life until my team wins.
Number of the week
Today I did number of the week.
The number I was working towards was 468.I choose this number because it was a standard number.
The number I was working towards was 468.I choose this number because it was a standard number.
Synonyms to Group
Today I did a synonym drawing.In this drawing I am working towards the word {GROUP}.I did this word because I thought it was a good standard word to use.
Current Events
Today me and my buddies did a current event about Motorists Minion madness. We worked on this because we thought it was a good standard current event.
Number of the week - W4T3 - 2015
Today I did the number of the week , about how to solve the problem about Teresa and Ngarangi 's money.
The number that I was working toward is 560.
Character hot seating
Today me and my buddy Ngarangi did a character hot seating to the book {RUDY TOOT}.The book that we were reading about was about an elephant that always liked dancing and tooting.
Whanau conferencing goals
Kia ora every-one this is my goal settings.My goal settings are my standards that I have to achieve and improve.
I hope my goals would be achieved by T4W5 2015.
Number of the week
Today I did the number of the week.The number I am working towards is 570.This is my work and hope use like it
School values - Peaceful play
Today me and my buddies did a school value presentation.We are working towards the meanings of how we can achieve these values in our school.We have values to make us keep others safe.
Problem solving - Lima Sopoaga
WALT use multiplication knowledge and strategy to help us solve problems.
Today me and my buddy Akanesi did a problem solving knowledge strategy with our group {BIG HERO 6}.Today we are working towards the numbers by are 8 - 5 , 28 - 2 and 12 - 3
Current events - Goldilocks burglar - 2015
This is an article about a goldilock burglar robbing into someone's house.
Everybody must learn to lock there houses.
Hot seatings - Celebrity reviver - Sam Twinkletoes
This is play from the book Celebrity reviver.The character that I am working towards is Sam Twinkletoes.Sam Twinkletoes is a man who loves Tango dancing very much.
Good choices to make
This is a template for people around schools.When it is learning time , some people play games which isn't fare for other students.If we are playing games in learning time , we need to ( STOP , THINK AND DO OUR WORK ).Getting work done is the easiest job to do.If we finish our learning then we would have time for the games we wanna play.........

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